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Train harder,
without the downsides.

NovoTHOR® improves the healing and recovery process, reduces inflammation, and treats the joints. It allows coaches to increase training intensity and for athletes to push their limits.

Treat the machine

The body is a system, not a set of individual parts. Injuring your leg puts additional strain on your back. NovoTHOR treats the entire system in just 15 minutes, quickly and comfortably.

The NovoTHOR whole body light pod

Stay on the field

By treating the whole body, NovoTHOR helps keep athletes injury free — treating all the small problems that are easily ignored and shrugged off.

Olympic athletes

Olympic coach Dennis Mitchell and Olympians Justin Gatlin, Murielle Ahouré and Kaylin Witney talk about their experiences with NovoTHOR and how the it arrived at a key time for the Olympic Trials.

Galen Rupp

Olympic Silver Medal
Rio Olympics

Jordan Hasay

Record Holder
Chicago Marathon

Olympic Gold Medal Winner, Matt Centrowitz

Matt Centrowitz

Olympic Gold Medal
Rio Olympics


Both US Special Forces and Professional athletes have been integrating the NovoTHOR into their day to day regimen for increasing their edge and keeping themselves in peak readiness

Olympic sprinter training after NovoTHOR session
Athlete training with medicine ball after NovoTHOR session

Loved by performance specialists

Want to learn more?